What we believe

We ascribe to the statement of faith of ICP Europe and LEEF Netwerk

As followers of Jesus, we stand on the shoulders of great heroes of the past. We admit our limitations, being aware that we are part of a global church and are standing in a history of 2000 years of Christianity. Therefore, we want to underline our dependence on the wisdom of those who have gone before us. Our theology and ethical position is not determined by the thinking and believing of people in our time and age in the context of a Western mindset. Live! Erasmus confirms the Nicene Creed, the Apostles’ Creed and the Athanasian Creed. We also agree with the Basis of Faith of the Evangelical Alliance and the New City Catechism.

Our vision

We envision a gospel movement flowing freely into the world, through a network of multiplying intercultural communities, consisting of ordinary people who carry the fragrance of Christ, are ready to believe the promises of God as they are found in the Scriptures, and who are torchbearers in their own spheres of influence. This movement is characterized by a passion and love for God and people all over the world. We long to see multiplying communities, consisting of Christ-like leaders, of people who give the Scriptures authority over their lives, being agents of change and transformation in society, being committed to the movement of the gospel and pioneering in new universities and cities.

We want to create an environment in which non-believers like to be, so that we can reach the lost with the gospel of Christ, by including them in our lifestyle, while at the same time staying true to the doctrine of the gospel, not being afraid to offend, yet always being loving and kind. Once they accept Christ into their lives, they can be a light in their environment and carry the gospel to the positions they are going to be in. In order for them to carry the gospel further, we use multipliable tools to teach them how and we stay connected to them, even if they move away.